TxBasic Forum

CET Basic, Theos MultiUser Basic, TxBasic and FxBasic user's forum.

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Forum rules

(1) Please Treat ALL Posters with Respect and Courtesy.-
  • Anyone who is found to be abusive to another member will be banned at the Admin`s discretion.
(2) Do not post affiliate or referral links belonging to yourself or other websites, without the consent of the Admin team first

(3) No Large Pictures in Signatures -
  • A few words are fine, or an image no greater than 300x100 pixels in size.
(4) Admin And Mod jobs ---
  • Please do not ask to be an Admin or Mod if and when we need to recurit someone we will let you know.
(5) No Obscenity -
  • You Must not post any obscene messages or pictures, including pornography or links to said material. Doing so may result in an instant ban.
(6) No Piracy* -
  • You must not post links to illegal downloads or copyrighted material such as movies and music.
(7) Keep it legal** -
  • With all forums we are held responsible for all posts so please beware and think before you post.
(8) No Posting of Personal Contact Information -
  • This is For your safety, Any public posting of any personal contact information will be removed.
(9) No Trolling -
  • Do not post comments which have the sole purpose to cause an argument. You may express your opinion on a topic, however abuse to anyone who doesn't have the same opinion as you will not be tolerated. Trolls will be banned.
(10) No Flaming or posting of material intended to start a flame war.--
  • Forum wars are stupid and childish we will not get involved with them.
(11) No All Caps -
  • This is seen as shouting and any post like this will be removed. It is also classed as rude Please don't do it.
(12) Keep things public
  • - To make this forum successful please only use the pm system for the odd private message.
(13) Spamming of any type is not allowed---
  • Where as some poor forums feel the urge to spam their way to the top we feel that only good honest post makes a forum successful. Any spam will be removed and the offended warned then banned.
(14) Word filter ---
  • It is there to protect everyone on the forum anyone found trying to avoid this will be warned then banned and the post removed.
(15) A three strike system is in effect for any user failing to fully comply with the rules:
  • First Offence: A warning.
    Second Offence: Suspended from the forum for 1 week
    Third Offence: A permanent ban.
In severe cases the offender may be banned before making 3 offences.
If you have a problem with any particular user, Please send a PM to one of the moderators. Please do not contact moderators or Admin about silly childish petty squabbles.

(16) Complaints
  • We take pride in our forum however there may be times where some of our members or guest may feel upset. If this is the case please send the Admin a pm clearly stated what you are upset about ,, if you can take a screen shot to back up your claim then please do.
    Anyone found to be abusing the complaints system will be removed from the forum.
* By Piracy we mean

Illegal copying of a product such as software or music.
The unauthorised duplication and/or use and distribution of a software program, including Music, Programs,Movies etc.

This also includes copying post from one forum to another with out the consent of the original author.

** By Legal we mean

The selling of any material including drugs, guns , knives and any other product under the currant law which is illegal.

Also the showing and allowing the showing of any material which is against the law and also against the law, this would include pornography in any shape or form.

Rules courtesy of HOWTODOIT Symon Field

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